
华盛顿暴雨致白宫浸水 网友:地铁成水帘洞

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  Powerful storms swept across the nation’s capital, inundating roadways, unleashing flash floods, and creating at least two waterfalls in the Metro system.


  All that rain falling during the morning commute has unleashed havoc from Baltimore to Washington, D.C. to Northern Virginia. The DC Metro, which has become somewhat infamous for its summertime floods, has been hit particularly hard, with a waterfall dropping from the ceiling of the Virginia Square station in Arlington.

  (周一)早晨通勤途中的天降大雨,在一些地区引起了“浩劫”, 从巴尔的摩到华盛顿特区再到北弗吉尼亚统统未能幸免。本就因(难以抵挡)夏季洪水而声名狼藉的华盛顿地铁系统,这次受到的冲击尤其严重:阿林顿弗吉尼亚广场站,瀑布从天花板上直泻而下。

华盛顿暴雨致白宫浸水 网友:地铁成水帘洞

  Swamp status: full.




  It was anepic rainstorm that drenched the Washington area Monday. And water, which had no place to go, went where it would.

  周一,这场史诗级的暴雨浇透了华盛顿地区。 雨水在地面无处排泄,便开始“兴风作浪”了起来。

  It gathered force and crashed through roadway retaining walls. It gushed through the ceiling of a Metro station, showering passing rail cars. It crept into the basement of the National Archives, which had to be closed down.


  ▲After extreme flooding, residents begin cleaning up and drying out (via CNN)

  上面这段刚提到,美国国家档案馆 被暴雨给“洗”了。

  其实遭殃的不仅档案馆,连 白宫 都进水了……

  Heavy rains on Monday in Washington, D.C., caused minor flooding in the basement of the White House.
